Wednesday, January 5, 2011


In my everyday line of work, a good credit score is often times essential for me and a client to work together. There is only one instance where some one’s credit score has no bearing on our ability to work together and that is when the client is paying cash with no financing. In the real estate industry, cash deals happen but the majority of what makes this industry, and most other industries, tick is access to capital via some form of financing. However, if the applicant for credit has a poor credit score and a history of late or non payment of bills, they will simply be denied credit and asked to come back when their score is sufficient. You can improve your credit score in no time with 5 easy steps.
  1. Pay down your credit cards – Obviously, one way to improve your credit score is to pay down the debt you already have. What isn’t so obvious is which debt you should pay down first. Because normal life circumstances often leaves us with long term debt like student loans and mortgages, you shouldn’t worry about paying these down immediately. These debts are understood and weight differently in the calculation of your credit score. Credit cards on the other hand is the debt you want to pay down if not completely off as soon as possible. According to MSN Money, keeping a balance below 30% of your credit limit on each card will help your score significantly.
  2. Use your old credit cards – In the calculation of your credit score, older accounts bear more weight in the calculation. They show more your payment history and your ability to manage credit. However, if you haven’t used them in a long time, they start to lose their luster in the calculation because non usage is almost as bad as having no credit at all. So, if you have any old cards that you never use, bring them back out 3-4 times a year and charge a small amount. But remember to pay that small amount down or off before the due date of your next statement.
  3. Check your report for accuracy – In all the years I have lived on this Earth, there are some things that are pretty obvious to me. But, for some people, those same things don’t even register on their radar. So I’ll go ahead and say it. When it comes to your credit report, you definitely want to check your credit report to make sure it is accurate. Every individual is entitled to one free credit report a year so you have no excuse not to check it. When checking it, you want to look for any negative items like late payments, collection accounts, or items showing unpaid. One can only imagine the damage things like this can cause to your credit score. Now, imagine if these things showed up on your report and they were never supposed to be there in the first place? It happens. So when you check your latest credit report, check for inaccuracies and be prepared to dispute and ill findings.
  4. Pay your bills on time – We all have bills and some have more than others. Whatever your current situation, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that every bill has a due date and it is your absolute responsibility to make sure you pay that bill on time. Depending on the bill type, they may or may not report late payments to the credit bureaus. However, if you take too long to pay the bill, they very well could not only report the late payment to the agency, but also send your past due account to a credit collective. An account in collections is just another hit on your credit score that you do not want because they will not go away until a monetary judgement is satisfied.
  5. Request new credit with caution – The idea here is to balance the credit you do or do not have with your current credit situation and your current credit limits or amounts accessible. If you already have plenty of credit, then you do not want to take on more than you can manage. Remember, unused credit does not factor in highly when computing your credit score. However, if you have poor credit and are trying to rebuild your credit situation, then applying for new credit via an installment loan or revolving line is a step in the right direction. Just make sure you manage the new credit perfectly and pay your new bill on time.
One of the good things about your credit score is the fact it can always improve unless you already have what is considered ‘perfect’ credit. So, although you may have some blemishes today, tomorrow’s outlook could be improved with just a few easy steps in the right direction. Earlier in the article I mentioned everyone is entitled to a free credit report each year. To obtain your free credit report, go to Just to be clear, this is a report only and will not furnish your most up to date credit score. For a few dollars, you can obtain the report and the score almost immediately. Monitoring your credit report and maintaining your credit score is critical and will always threaten your ability to secure a loan for some of life’s biggest purchases. Don’t hurt your chances tomorrow because of steps you didn’t take the time to complete today. Your credit will follow you throughout your entire life so you might as well take as good of care of it as you can.


Social Networking Will Be The Death of Your Relationship

Girl 1: I think he’s cheating on me.
Girl 2: What? Why?
Girl 1: He friended his ex on Facebook and then she liked a bunch of his pictures and posted on his wall that she was back in town and would inbox him her new number.
Girl 3: Now girl that’s a clear sign that ninja is cheating, you better handle that
Girl 1: Yeah. I’m going to ask him about that. I don’t like that at all.
Ladies and gents, we all know how this scenario ends. Girl 1 asks her dude what’s up with his ex and why all of sudden she is coming out of the woodwork and her dude denies any allegations. In fact, the dude may become upset because nothing like that was even going on, he hates his ex and he can’t control her actions and what she says and comments on. Girl 1 isn’t hearing it and now is suspicious of her dude and, whether or not he is cheating, Facebook has given her reason to distrust her man.
Taking it further, Girl 1 now looks at his Facebook page regularly to see how many females he is friending, what are these females saying, and who or what he is saying to his female friends. Questions such as why doesn’t he want to link her in his relationship status, or worse yet, why doesn’t he want to even include his taken relationship status on his page? Why doesn’t he write on her wall or want her to leave sweet lovey dovey messages on his or why doesn’t he want tagged photos of him and her together?
Eventually, her suspicions manifest in very obvious ways offline and she becomes overbearing. Fights start because of her new insecurities and maybe she starts snooping or questioning his whereabouts more. Maybe, she starts questioning his affiliations with different people more. Whatever the reason, the two split and the relationship death certificate states boldly that Facebook ended yet another relationship.
The truth is that as exaggerated as you may think this is, this is a very real scenario and plays out quite often. Facebook has given strangers, employers, friends and significant others alike the power to access our lives in very real ways that otherwise was unheard of. Remember when you told your best friend you couldn’t attend her birthday party because you were out of town? Well she saw that tweet where you were ranting off about how you hated the smelly man that asked you for a dollar outside of your house. 
Social networking sites have created a sort of checks and balances on the things we say and the places that we go. Your girlfriend said she was staying home all weekend but on Foursquare she checked in to Club Refuge in order to gain free admittance and a complimentary drink. In an attempt to stay connected with virtually everybody, the small white lies we tell are very often brought to light on the internet. 
Of course, some people care more than others but the people who tend to care the most are usually our significant others. This access to your life when you are away from them mixed with an insecure boyfriend or girlfriend or even a budding relationship can be the demise of what could have potentially been a good thing. Often posts either by you or another person are taken out of context and with no way to verify the information, some people allow their suspicions to get out control and run rampant.
My personal rule with social networking sites is to take everything I read and see with two grains of salt. Nothing on these sites is proof of anything and if everything is going well offline then there is no need to get too wrapped up on what is going on online.
One glance at my Facebook page and a person would mistakenly believe that I live some extravagant lifestyle where I travel to exotic places, that I’m single, party hard on weekends, and have an overabundance of friends that I am tight with in Chicago. This couldn’t be further from my actual reality, but that’s exactly the point. Facebook isn’t reality and to expect it to have any factual content or be a legitimate all access view of someone is naive.
Should you question what you see and read on these sites? First, question if you really know the person. Afterwards, think of how they are actually are offline. Does your inference of their online presence match the person you know offline? 
I’m sorry but if your boyfriend is a homebody who spends most of his time playing video games and collecting Star Wars figurines, those online females that are saying hey and trying to “reconnect” are bored and probably think your boyfriend is cute. Take it as a compliment that girls find your boyfriend attractive and move on.
by A Black Malfunction on December 29, 2010

Time Management Tips for 2011

Desktop computers PDA’s, smart phones and laptops have reshaped business.  But for the better?  Technology as an accelerator promised to simplify our lives, giving us control over our time.  Technology delivered, we stalled.  The new economy punches the peddle on the work place pushing it to warp speed, forcing us keep up.  This is the opportune time for a career pit stop, assess your time management vehicle and get ahead of the competition.  As you make laps around the office your loosing gas, so lets start by identifying your time leaks-so we can improve our efficiency-(utilize Alec Meckenzies Top 20 time wasters as a resource).  Identify your top 5 and quickly bring them under your control. 

Patching up your gas tank will eliminate the waste of fuel, in order to turbocharge your results you need to maximize your performance.  To propel your career into the winners circle add octane boosters to your time management tank, planning/preparation, communication, leadership/teamwork, relationship building and training and development .

Let’s begin by putting first things first, envision yourself crossing the finish line as the checkered flag is waving and crowd cheering; once you have your vision generate entushasim and slowly build momentum by sharing it with passion with your team.  Before you start a project be sure you fully understand the scope, expectations, deadlines and all the resources at your disposal.  It would be helpful to mind map the project by yourself or with your team.  Fleshing out your plan in advance will save you time during the execution phase.  Your plan should include contingencies.  Share your plan with all the parties involved, solicitate feedback. Be proactive plan out a month in advance, utilize one calendar for business and personal-all work and no play makes Jane a dull lady.  

Learning to communicate clearly and concisely both written and orally will save you from having to repeat yourself.  Clear messages eliminate delays.  Avoid cliches and ambiguous terms.  Watch your body language and framing to ensure they’re consistent with your words.  Learn to read the body language of others this will help you determine if your message is getting across and gain buy in.

Leading yourself exceptional well is a prerequisite to leading others, people will listen to what you say and then watch what you do.  If your words are not consistent with your action you will have a problem Houston. Getting the right people on board trained and working together makes for a high performing team that adapts and executes.  As the leader you have demonstrated the propensity to get things done, avoid the solo track-todays economy requires a group effort.   


Relationship Building
Establishing and maintaining healthy relationships with your subordinates, peers and your bosses will enable you to maximize your time.  Don’t wait until you need something to pick up the phone and call for assistance otherwise you’ll be viewed as self-serving.  Beware don’t spend all your time on the phone “chit chatting.”

According to USA Today Snapshots 52% of employees want you to share insights on how to be more effective.  Training your team will certainly increase your overall productivity, effectual cross training will distinguish you a capable leader who possess the requisite competencies to lead. 

Start your engine mash your foot on the gas, master the time wasters in the curves and maintain your focus on your dashboard board.  Before your know it you will be crossing the finish line.  Click on the link below for additional tips to tag teaming your change efforts