Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Secret Of Coming Back From A Financial Emergency Stronger Than Ever Before...

Give me 45 minutes and I'll teach you to change the way you think about and handle money...
is just SOME of the information you will find inside:
=> The first key to handling any money emergency. (Page 4)
=> The biggest mistake people make when they meet a financial crisis. (Page 5)
=> When to take out a home equity line of credit - and what to look out for when you do. (Page 5)
=> Why you should think twice before borrowing from your 401k or IRA. (Pages 5-6)
=> How smart citizens take on a hobby that can translate into cash when they're strapped. (Page 6)
=> How ignoring smaller details can lead to disaster. (Page 7)
=> The secret to planning ahead for unexpected (but inevitable) surprises. (Page 7)
=> How to put money away in an emergency fund - even when you don't think you have the discipline. (Pages 7-8)
=> A good rule of thumb for using credit cards ("...don't use the cards for anything can either [blank] or [blank]"). Best used when you can't get yourself to cut your plastic up. (Pages 8-9)
=> 7 ways to trim your expenses down each month starting at home. (Page 9)
=> The secret to creatively saving up a large chunk of cash just by reacting to everyday situations! (Like tipping your savings when you tip a waitress and 15 other ways to save.) (Pages 9-11)
=> 54 life changing financial tips to start adding to your life today (in the beginning, just try adding 2 or 3). (Pages 12-13)
=> 45 everyday tips for saving cash day in and day out (starting now)! (Pages 13-15)
=> 21 ways to keep your old lifestyle and save money doing it. (Pages 15-16)
=> 9 ways to save on energy costs around your home. (Pages 16-17)
=> The secret to keeping warm through the night even after turning the heat off (and it's not about piling on more blankets). (Page 18)
=> How to change the way you think about money. (Page 19)
=> How slightly changing your diet a few days out of the week could help you save $1,200 a year. (Page 20)
=> The "money-game" creative savers play to stock up a hefty chunk of cash. (Page 20)
=> What to do with those glossy catalogs that make it to your house (and tempt you). (Page 21)
Are you in desperate need of emergency cash? Get my guide right now and I'll teach you how to start finding extra dollars in all aspects of life. You'll learn how to cut out unnecessary costs and lighten the expense of others (like gas and energy prices). Just scroll up to see all the ways you can start putting together your emergency cash starting now. Once you do, your emergency will start to fit within a well organized plan that promises to get you back on track.
And best of all, you'll be able to sleep the whole night through, calm and cool, knowing your emergency is under control.