We educate our community on the truth behind mental health to help reduce the stigma of mental illness and to show it's commonality in our community, but severely overlooked.
We do this via webinars, Continuing Education Unit Training (CEU), and community events. We teach skills such as creative and critical thinking, team building and adapting to change while giving hope and improving our guests’ mental health. We strive to create an atmosphere wherein they feel empowered to overcome their circumstances and uncover their true potential, thus, leading to a more fulfilling, meaningful, and celebratory lifestyle.
For more information or to find out how to get involved, please visit us at https://www.thehopedealeratl.com/ or contact us by email at info@thehopedealeratl.com .

We are so grateful for all of the wonderful support and we love seeing your pictures 🖤. To show our appreciation for all of the support all hoodies are 50% until Friday January 24th!
Therapy is for the culture! Help us combat the stigma of mental illness. Follow this link to support our cause and get your hoodies!
Therapy is for the culture! Help us combat the stigma of mental illness. Follow this link to support our cause and get your hoodies!
#TheHopeDealerATL #MentalHealthAwareness #BreaktheStigma #therapyisfortheculture #culture #atlanta #atlantatherapists #menta...