Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Richmond Brand Ambassador needed for 9/19

Hello Richmond area Brand Ambassadors!

Pepper Talent and Department Zero are seeking a BACKUP Brand Ambassador for this Thursday, September 19th!

BACKUP Brand Ambassadors are responsible for showing up on-site (near the VCU campus) before the activation begins to speak with our Tour Managers about their shift responsibilities.  If the backup is needed to work the full shift, you will work for the BA pay rate of $16 an hour. However, if the Tour Managers release you from the event site for the day, we will pay you a flat $25 for just showing up.

Brand Ambassador who work the shift are responsible for being apart of a guerrilla style street team that will be distributing 6,000 product samples to students on VCU's campus.

Shift Times: 7:30 am to 2:30 pm

If you are looking for a quick promotion for Thursday, this opportunity is for you!  Please email me to let me know you interest and availability.

I hope to hear from you all soon!

Send information to Kacie Hoctor <kacie.hoctor@deptzero.com