Tuesday, September 17, 2013


  • You are invited to join this sacred womb circle has been created to reawaken the knowledge within
    women's consciousness that we have an innate, natural ability to heal ourself through the introduction
    of holistic education. Our Children, Our Men & Our Community needs us.

    Come and Get rejuvenated, grounded, empowered, and connected to your Higher Power with other women 
    seeking healing of the wombs of their minds, bodies, and spirit! We will have empowerment exercise
    so we can explore OUR Gifts, Skills & Talents when we recognize these things in each other then we
    Empower Each Other & Change OURselves.

    We are a bond of sisters looking to create a Community of the Most Powerful, Stress-free, Emotionally whole, Purposeful, Financially Secure and Spiritually Grounded Women within the Richmond area and your invited to join us.

    Children Are Welcomed!

    Donations Accepted!

    Please bring only positive energy and a towel/ blanket or lawn chair for elderly.

    This information is highly confidential please only share this information with women who characteristics are described in the Mission statement.

    TIME: 6:00 PM

    Peace, Love & (+)NRGY to you all


    Support one another instead of cutting each other down.

    Compliment a sister you don't know.

    When a sister begins to trash talk another sister to you, stop her in her tracks.

    Respect her union even if her mate is not.

    Smile at her.

    Extend a helping hand.

    Treat her like you want to be treated.

    Be open to the possibility of a new friendship.

    Treasure the friendships you have now.

    Don't be so combative with her off the rip.

    Celebrate her accomplishments.

    "I don't hang with women", "Women are to catty", "I don't want any friends" "Don't trust her"... remove those from your thought process. All they do is build a wall between you and another sister.

    Judge her by her actions...not by someone else word.

    The same effort you put in fostering a healthy relationship with a man, do the same fostering a friendship with a sister.

    Communicate with one another.

    When a sister falls down, help her back up.

    Teach these to your daughter....then one day she'll teach it to hers.